XSE Color Coding

XSE uses the symbolic colors of blue, red, and white to facilitate the identification of the relation to the different aspects of the human throughout all phases of the engineering process. Click on the colors below to read more.

The blue-tinted portion of the shield represents the mind, and in particular, crowning the mind with truth. The blue is strategically shown on top, as our free will can be said to hold a position of authority over the whole entity. In other words, outside of uncontrollable factors, the biggest determining factor of who a person is in life is what that person chooses of their own free will, coupled with the intensity (of the spirit) which also is increased or decreased by free will. When a person truly chooses to seek ultimate truth, they equip themselves to receive riches beyond comprehension.
Blue (for the Mind/Mental aspect in XSE study) - American symbol of Vigilance, Perseverance and Justice
Red: The Body Clad in Strength
The red-hued metal of the shield is for the body, and the helmet symbolizes being clad in strength, a strength that comes first from within, but then is covered with a protection that is from “without.” When the body follows through with actions in solidarity with what the mind knows to be true and the spirit knows to be right. This cohesion is logically strength, originating from within, but generally manifest to the outside world.
Red (for the Body/Physical aspect in XSE study) - American symbol of Hardiness and Valor
White: The Spirit Soaring in Freedom
This symbolism is shown in the silvery portion of the shield, and the spirit of freedom is demonstrated by the eagle. The eagle signifies the freedom flight that the spirit experiences when the mind (seeking truth) and body (acting in accordance with what you know and believe are right) are aligned with it in unity. The eagle is shown bearing the crown of truth to the head as the spirit or the driving desire for truth plays a significant role in attaining the truth.
White (for the Spirit/Spiritual aspect in XSE study) - American symbol of Purity and Innocence
The Colors of Freedom

XSE embraces the symbolism behind the colors of the American Flag
Celebrate the right to liberty!
In America, the color blue symbolizes vigilance, perseverance and justice. XSE connects this with the mental aspect of the human as we must use our minds to keep watch and be vigilant, knowing how to identify and guard against harboring anything which poses a threat to our freedoms, whether within or without, and to choose to persevere in this, as it is when the guard is down that the enemy strikes. It is our just duty to use our freedom wisely to positively advance ourselves and ultimately benefit others. By simple logic and justice, if we do not proactively use our freedom for the good and positively influence others, we subject ourselves to losing our freedom. As it has been said for thousands of years “of those who have much, much is expected.” Rise up, use your freedom to improve yourself and help others also while you can. Be the one who makes the world a better place.
Celebrate the right to pursue happiness!
The white of our flag represents purity and innocence. XSE associates this with the spirit of freedom. Most people value something that is pure, authentic, and uncontaminated. Likewise, most people value innocence, at least when it comes to basic law and avoiding prosecution. Tragically, some people have to experience painful effects or results of corruption, contamination or sin before they value innocence and purity. It seems only logical to strive for purity and innocence, avoiding the stress and imminent shame of corruption and guilt. Also, it is through clear sight, untainted vision, the ability to look to the future unburdened by guilt, with the free spirit of innocence, free of the paralyzing fear of lies, that one is able to have clear vision and is light enough to fly… daring to dream the impossible, and to act in accordance with that spirit, to make those dreams reality.
Celebrate the right to Life!
The Red of the American flag is for hardiness and valor. XSE connects this with the body, as we have a heritage of being strong and having great courage and valor. The pilgrims who left their home country and came to America had to be strong and brave as they were willing to risk their own lives in order to obtain the freedom they desired so greatly that they were willing to suffer and die for it. They knew the value of independence, and many lost their lives in founding this land of opportunity for their children and for others. Very fitting that red is also a color associated with passion. People become hardy through trials, training, and tests, by taking courage in tackling first the small things and then the large hurdles inevitably come, but those who develop hardiness by overcoming life’s obstacles are the ones who then are able to move mountains when needed and lead lives of valor.
Source: The American Legion. 2023. What do the colors of the flag mean? https://www.legion.org/flag/questions-answers/91471/what-do-colors-flag-mean
Color Coding Throughout XSE for Cognitive Association

The courage that is born in an individual of integrity causes them to fearlessly seek the truth and provides a fuel to soar to heights unseen.