The XSE Method

The Integration of Engineering with Luxury: XSE's Method

Whether blue-collar, gold-collar or billionaire seeking desired results, XSE can be used to strategically engineer your own luxury.

It starts with grasping the XSE Key, and then taking time to critically and creatively analyze how to advance your SOI using XSE strategies to maximize potential. Luxxacation (also known as the torque of XSE) is the simplest form or superficial overview of the XSE process. Complete implementation XSE methods begins with the XSE Key which is then used to unlock XSE’s 2FA by strategically applying all of the XSE factors (actual and analytical) from the XSE Vantage Point, iteratively as XSE’s cyclical motion of Luxxacation.

XSE can be applied to any system and can be implemented at the macro or micro level, iteratively.

No matter what the system is that you are developing or maintaining, the axioms of XSE, scaled on the X, Y, and Z Axes are advantageous in directing the outcome of your system. The 3 Actual Factors are present in the engineering or development of any system, but if XSE is to be applied to the SE process, then using the Analytical Factors; 7 Axioms (as constructs), aligning with the three axes, bring the system constructively into only one of the 8 octants, the only one of the 8 where the highest value can be achieved. All other 7 of the 8 octants contain negative numbers. Therefore, in order for the Systems Engineer to perform optimally or to optimize a system (taking into consideration any given limitations) the system must always score in the first octant.

An Elemental Summary of the Steps of
X Systems Engineering

The steps of XSE can be simplified into an overview so you don’t need to memorize the axioms or have a deep understanding of the strategies in order to get an idea of Independent Integration Systems Engineering methods. The 3 elements can be summarized as XSE’s torquing motion or Luxxacation, in particular: Take Time, Build Strength, Rise Above. The three elements are laid out below with a short summary of what each element entails. 

The 1st Element: Take Time

1. Take Time, the 1st element of the torquing motion of Luxxacation; Starting with the X Axis (measuring system analysis), the Systems Engineer applies the XSE X Axiom which is in regards to critical and creative thinking. This first element is broken down into 3 micro-elements: firstly, evaluate the system’s current position and situation, secondly, identify where the SOI should be in the future (stage of optimization) in order to identify needs, and thirdly, make specific goals. This stage can only be successful with honest evaluation. Entering the XSE Vantage Point can maximize the time spent on critical and creative thinking.

The 2nd Element: Build Strength

2. The Systems Engineer then continues with the torquing motion of the 2nd element of Luxxacation: Build Strength. On the Y Axis (gauging the actual stage of the system life cycle) where the XSE Y Axiom regarding the Application of Optimal Choices (decided upon with the previous step) is followed through with. The XSE Key can be used to empower the SE with this element.

The 3rd Element: Rise Above

3. The Systems Engineer then proceeds on to the Z Axis (rating of sources and resources), where the 3rd element of Luxxacation: Rise Above is used to increase the “torque” even more. Here the XSE Z Axiom of seeking authenticate and ultimate sources is applied as the Systems Engineer strives to constantly improve the current state of the system by proceeding forward with the best sources and resources, gaining more information and knowledge of potential advancement for the System of Interest. The possibilities of this element can be maximized from the XSE Vantage Point as well.

Then Iterate

1. The information, and potential gained in the previous step from the XSE Z Axiom is then analyzed on the X Axis, taking into consideration the systems new and current state, and applying the XSE X Axiom of “using critical and creative thinking…” in order to analyze the sources and potential resources gathered from the Z Axis, to make decisions of what should be applied (on the Y Axis) in order to advance the system and facilitate in meeting its goals. 

for Continual Improvement

With the “torque” in motion in a positive direction, the XSE method has been initiated. By increasing momentum and always keeping your SOI in the first octant with its trajectory going in a positive direction, system analysis becomes second nature and following through with applying optimal decisions to your system becomes easier. With your eyes always on the desired goal, Luxxacation becomes not just a systems engineering practice, but a habit of engineering a luxurious way of life.

Ultimate Advancement

From the Fortified Foundation of the XSE Peak to the Zenith: Truth

The 7 Spheres of integration are an Actual Factor, no matter the SOI or SOC, as each sphere influences the SOI to some extent. No particular sphere needs to be acknowledged in order for it be an anchor of the XSE Peak. For XSE analysis, plot the system, evaluate the influence from each sphere, & then reverse the direction of influence.

The 7 domains of study are also an Actual Factor, no matter what the SOI or SOC, as at least some of these domains of study are truly influencing your SOI. No particular domain needs to be acknowledged in order for it be an anchor of the XSE Peak. For XSE functional analysis, each of the 7 domain’s must be applied and bi-directional influences must be evaluated.

The Diagram shown above shows the Alpha Axiom: “Integrity is founded on truth” at the top of the XSE Peak, therefore positioning Truth at the Zenith. At the foundation are the irrefutable axioms that appeal logically to common sense. In particular: the X Axiom- “Using critical and creative thinking augments intelligence,” and the Y Axiom- “The application of optimal choices enhances strength,” and the Z Axiom- “Seeking authentic and ultimate sources maximizes freedom.” The charted elements show the intentional hierarchy of then the 1st-3rd Axioms above the X,Y, and Z Axioms. The 1st Axiom- “True and optimal intelligence is founded on integrity,” the 2nd Axiom- “True and optimal strength is founded on integrity,” & the 3rd Axiom- “True and optimal freedom is founded on integrity.” Ascending to the Zenith can only be achieved through seeking truth, as depicted on the peak with the Alpha Axiom “Integrity is founded on truth.” For complete XSE functional analysis, both of the anchoring actual factors (the 7 spheres of integration and the 7 domains of study) must be applied while bi-direction of influence is evaluated.

When you add the 7 spheres of Integration and 7 domains of study to XSE's functional analysis, you open your mind to new horizons, broaden your foundation and enhance the structure.

The chart below shows correlations of XSE factors to MBS

As outlined above, the XSE factors are associated with the MBS (Mind, Body, and Spirit) aspects of the human, making it easier to understand the XSE method when seen color coded, demonstrating the logical affiliations to the factors, dimensions and axioms.

The key to accelerated advancement: take a step back, go beyond the typical constraints, and enter the XSE Vantage Point for an astronomical view that transcends time and is all-encompassing of the 4th dimension. Pierce through the exterior of your system of interest, what is it made of? What is its substance? Is it strong? Or is it weak and fragmented, unable to hold up to even the first test? This will predominantly be determined by the factors related to the other 3 dimensions’ integration into the SOI.