Systems Engineering

Understanding Systems Engineering (SE) is a "must" today.

Despite its prevalence of usage in many government institutions worldwide and throughout many industries, many people still have never heard of Systems Engineering (SE). XSE views this as a disadvantage to individuals… because you are a part of or playing a role in many systems.

Systems Engineering Explained

Systems Engineering is an interdisciplinary field of engineering and management that focuses on designing, analyzing, integrating, and managing complex systems. It involves considering all components, processes, and interactions within a system to ensure that the system functions effectively and efficiently to meet its objectives. Systems engineering aims to address the challenges of integrating different elements to create a coherent functioning whole. Systems engineering addresses the entire life cycle of a system, from conception and design to operation, maintenance, and decommissioning. It involves the integration of various components, processes, and subsystems to achieve a specific purpose or function. The goal of systems engineering is to optimize the entire system, considering both the individual parts and their interactions, to meet the overall objectives of the project.

Key characteristics and principles of systems engineering include:

  1. Holistic Approach- Systems engineering takes a holistic approach, considering the entire system and its interactions rather than focusing solely on individual components. It emphasizes understanding the relationships and dependencies among various elements.
  2. Interdisciplinary Collaboration- It involves collaboration among experts from different engineering disciplines, such as mechanical, electrical, software, and aerospace engineering, as well as professionals in fields like project management, logistics, and quality assurance.
  3. Life Cycle Perspective- Systems engineering addresses the entire life cycle of a system, from conceptualization through design, implementation, testing, operation, and eventual decommissioning. This includes considerations for maintenance, upgrades, and potential system evolution.
  4. Requirements Analysis- A critical aspect of systems engineering is gathering and analyzing requirements. This involves understanding user needs, functional specifications, performance expectations, and constraints to ensure that the system meets its intended purpose.
  5. Modeling and Simulation- Systems engineers often use models and simulations to represent and analyze the behavior of the system. This helps in predicting system performance, identifying potential issues, and optimizing design choices before physical implementation.
  6. Risk Management- Systems engineering involves assessing and managing risks throughout the life cycle of a system. This includes identifying potential challenges, evaluating their impact, and implementing strategies to mitigate or respond to risks.
  7. Iterative Design Process- The design and development of a system often follow an iterative process, allowing for feedback and refinement. This iterative approach helps improve the system’s design and performance over time.
  8. Configuration Management- Configuration management is critical in systems engineering to maintain control over changes to the system. It involves documentation, version control, and coordination to ensure that modifications are implemented systematically.
  9. Verification and Validation- Systems engineering includes processes for verifying that the system is being built according to specifications and validating that it meets user needs and expectations. This helps ensure the quality and reliability of the final product.
  10. System Optimization- Systems engineers work to optimize the system’s design, considering factors such as cost, performance, reliability, and sustainability. Balancing these factors is crucial to achieving an effective and efficient system.

Systems engineering is applied in various industries, including aerospace, defense, automotive, healthcare, information technology, and more, where complex systems need to be designed, managed, and improved to meet specific goals and requirements.


Systems Engineering: Explain Like I’m 5 -by AI

Imagine you want to build a spaceship with lots of buttons, lights, and features. Now, systems engineering is like having a plan to make that spaceship from the very beginning to the end. So, first, we need to think about what we want our spaceship to do. Once we decide, we make a list of all the things it needs to have, like wings, a cockpit, and buttons. Now, systems engineers are like the master builders who take care of everything. They figure out how all the different parts of the spaceship will work together. They make sure that when you press a button, the spaceship does exactly what it’s supposed to do. Systems engineering is like being the captain of the spaceship-building team. 

Applying XSE Methods to engineering the spaceship would bring about other considerations such as the fuel and exhaust. The impacts they have on the planet would also be taken into account. The materials used on the inside would have little to no toxic release or off-gassing, as many man-made materials tend to have. The control panel would be designed using HFE, but not to the point where the astronauts are put into the position of not-knowing-enough of the mechanical operations to where they wouldn’t know what to do or how to handle a system malfunction. This may include audio reminders of the underlying mechanics of the system, and how and when certain procedures would be useful or necessary. These are just some of the potentials to be taken into consideration when using XSE, in addition to health factors (mental, emotional, spiritual, and physical) and potential provisions to facilitate multi-faceted advancement of the crew on the journey according to their suggestions.

Systems Engineering Quick Facts

While systems engineering has played a significant role in the success of many global efforts, it’s important to recognize that the success of complex endeavors often involves a combination of various factors. Systems engineering is a multidisciplinary approach that focuses on designing, analyzing, and managing complex systems to ensure they meet their intended goals efficiently. Here’s how systems engineering can contribute to the success of global efforts:

  1. Holistic Approach:

    • Systems engineering takes a holistic view of a project or initiative, considering the entire system and its interdependencies. This comprehensive perspective helps identify potential issues and ensures that all components work together seamlessly.
  2. Requirements Definition:

    • Systems engineering emphasizes thorough requirements analysis and definition. Clearly understanding the goals and constraints is crucial for the success of any project, particularly on a global scale where diverse factors come into play.
  3. Interdisciplinary Collaboration:

    • Many global efforts involve collaboration across different disciplines and stakeholders. Systems engineering facilitates effective communication and collaboration among experts from various fields, ensuring that all perspectives are considered.
  4. Risk Management:

    • Global projects often face diverse risks, including technical, geopolitical, and organizational challenges. Systems engineering includes robust risk management processes to identify, assess, and mitigate potential risks, improving the overall resilience of the effort.
  5. Optimization and Efficiency:

    • Systems engineering aims to optimize the performance of a system. In global efforts, optimizing resource allocation, workflow, and decision-making processes can enhance efficiency and reduce waste.
  6. Adaptability and Flexibility:

    • Systems engineering frameworks often incorporate flexibility to adapt to changing conditions or unforeseen challenges. This is crucial in global efforts where circumstances, regulations, and priorities can evolve.
  7. Life Cycle Management:

    • Systems engineering considers the entire life cycle of a project or system, from conception to retirement. This long-term perspective is essential for sustaining global efforts over extended periods.
  8. Standardization and Consistency:

    • Establishing standardized processes and ensuring consistency in design and implementation are key aspects of systems engineering. This helps in achieving uniformity and reliability, especially in global initiatives involving multiple entities.
  9. Feedback Loops and Continuous Improvement:

    • Systems engineering encourages the incorporation of feedback loops and mechanisms for continuous improvement. This iterative approach allows global efforts to adapt and enhance their strategies based on ongoing assessments and lessons learned.

While systems engineering has contributed significantly to successful global efforts, other factors such as leadership, political will, collaboration, and effective communication are also critical. Successful global initiatives often require a combination of strategic planning, effective management, and the application of various methodologies, including systems engineering, to address the complexity of interconnected systems and achieve desired outcomes.

Systems engineering is a widely applied discipline with diverse applications across various industries and sectors. Many global organizations and institutions utilize systems engineering principles to design, develop, and manage complex systems. Here are examples of sectors and organizations where systems engineering is commonly employed:

  1. Aerospace and Defense:

    • Organizations such as NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration), ESA (European Space Agency), and defense contractors like Boeing and Lockheed Martin extensively use systems engineering for the design and development of complex aerospace systems.
  2. Automotive Industry:

    • Automotive manufacturers like Toyota, Ford, and BMW employ systems engineering to design and optimize vehicles, incorporating various interconnected systems for safety, efficiency, and performance.
  3. Healthcare:

    • Healthcare systems, hospitals, and medical device manufacturers apply systems engineering principles to improve patient care, optimize hospital processes, and design medical devices.
  4. Telecommunications:

    • Telecommunication companies such as AT&T, Huawei, and Ericsson use systems engineering to design and manage complex communication networks and infrastructure.
  5. Energy Sector:

    • Energy companies like ExxonMobil, BP, and utilities employ systems engineering for the design and optimization of energy production, distribution, and management systems.
  6. Transportation and Logistics:

    • Companies in the transportation sector, including shipping companies, railway operators, and logistics firms, use systems engineering to optimize transportation networks and supply chain processes.
  7. Information Technology:

    • IT companies, including large technology firms like IBM, Google, and Microsoft, apply systems engineering to design and develop complex software systems, networks, and information systems.
  8. Government Agencies:

    • Government organizations, such as the U.S. Department of Defense, use systems engineering for the development of defense systems, as well as agencies like the U.S. Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) for air traffic control systems.
  9. Financial Services:

    • Financial institutions use systems engineering to design and optimize complex financial systems, risk management processes, and electronic trading platforms.
  10. Environmental and Sustainable Development:

    • Organizations working on environmental and sustainability projects apply systems engineering to address complex challenges, such as water resource management and environmental conservation.
  11. Manufacturing:

    • Manufacturing companies, including those in industries like consumer electronics and industrial equipment, use systems engineering to optimize production processes and ensure product quality.
  12. Education and Research Institutions:

    • Universities and research institutions conduct studies and research in systems engineering, contributing to advancements in methodologies and applications.

These examples illustrate the broad applicability of systems engineering across various sectors, highlighting its role in addressing complex challenges and optimizing the performance of interconnected systems. The adoption of systems engineering principles continues to grow as organizations recognize its value in managing complexity and ensuring the successful development and operation of intricate systems.

The United Nations (UN) and the World Health Organization (WHO) both recognize the importance of systems thinking and engineering in addressing complex global challenges, including those related to health and sustainable development. While these organizations may not explicitly use the term “systems engineering” in the same way it is used in engineering disciplines, they do apply principles of systems thinking and employ integrated approaches to solve intricate problems. Here’s how these organizations utilize systems approaches:

  1. Integrated and Holistic Approaches:

    • The UN and WHO emphasize integrated and holistic approaches to address health and development challenges. This involves considering the interconnectedness of various factors, such as social, economic, environmental, and health-related elements, to develop comprehensive strategies.
  2. Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs):

    • The UN, through the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), recognizes the need for a systems approach to achieve a balance between economic growth, social development, and environmental sustainability. The SDGs represent an interconnected framework for addressing global issues.
  3. Global Health Systems Strengthening:

    • WHO focuses on strengthening health systems globally. This includes improving infrastructure, workforce capacity, information systems, and service delivery to create resilient and responsive health systems.
  4. Epidemiological Surveillance and Response:

    • Both the UN and WHO employ systems thinking in epidemiological surveillance and response to health emergencies. This involves understanding the dynamics of disease spread, coordinating responses, and adapting strategies based on the evolving situation.
  5. Health Policy and Governance:

    • Systems thinking is applied in the development of health policies and governance frameworks. This includes considering the broader context, stakeholders, and interdependencies to formulate effective and sustainable health policies.
  6. International Collaboration:

    • Both organizations emphasize the importance of international collaboration and partnerships. Systems thinking is inherent in coordinating efforts across countries, organizations, and sectors to address global challenges.
  7. Research and Data Analysis:

    • Systems thinking is applied in research and data analysis to understand complex health issues, identify patterns, and inform evidence-based decision-making.

While the terminology may differ, the principles of systems engineering, which involve understanding and optimizing complex systems, align with the approaches taken by the UN and WHO in their efforts toward global health, sustainable development, and other overarching goals. The challenges these organizations address often involve interconnected and dynamic systems, and adopting a systems perspective is crucial for effective problem-solving and decision-making.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) empowers systems engineering in various ways by enhancing efficiency, decision-making, and adaptability. Here are some key ways in which AI contributes to systems engineering:

  1. Optimizing Design Processes:

    • AI algorithms can analyze vast datasets to identify patterns and optimize the design process. This includes generating design alternatives, conducting simulations, and recommending improvements, leading to more efficient and effective system designs.
  2. Advanced Analytics and Prediction:

    • AI enables advanced analytics and predictive modeling, allowing systems engineers to anticipate potential issues, failures, or performance bottlenecks. This proactive approach helps in mitigating risks and optimizing system performance.
  3. Automated Decision-Making:

    • AI systems can automate decision-making processes based on predefined rules, machine learning models, or a combination of both. This accelerates decision-making in complex systems and ensures timely responses to dynamic conditions.
  4. Smart Maintenance and Monitoring:

    • AI-powered sensors and monitoring systems enhance predictive maintenance capabilities. By analyzing real-time data, AI can predict when system components are likely to fail, enabling proactive maintenance and reducing downtime.
  5. Integration of IoT Devices:

    • The Internet of Things (IoT) devices, combined with AI, allow for real-time monitoring and control of various system components. This integration enhances connectivity, data collection, and decision-making in interconnected systems.
  6. Simulation and Modeling:

    • AI-driven simulation tools can model complex system behaviors and interactions. This is particularly valuable in testing different scenarios, optimizing parameters, and ensuring that systems meet desired specifications.
  7. Adaptive and Learning Systems:

    • Machine learning algorithms enable systems to adapt and learn from experiences. This adaptability is crucial in dynamic environments where system requirements may evolve, allowing for continuous improvement and optimization.
  8. Natural Language Processing (NLP) for Documentation:

    • AI technologies, such as NLP, assist in automating documentation processes. This includes generating reports, documenting design decisions, and extracting valuable insights from textual data, saving time for engineers.
  9. Collaborative Engineering:

    • AI facilitates collaborative engineering by supporting communication and decision-making among team members. It can analyze large datasets generated by diverse teams and provide insights for better collaboration and coordination.
  10. Autonomous Systems:

    • In certain applications, AI contributes to the development of autonomous systems that can operate and make decisions without human intervention. This is particularly relevant in fields like robotics and autonomous vehicles.

By leveraging AI technologies, systems engineers can overcome complexity challenges, improve decision support, and enhance the overall lifecycle management of systems. The integration of AI in systems engineering leads to more intelligent, adaptive, and optimized solutions across various domains.

Project management and systems engineering are both critical disciplines involved in the planning, execution, and delivery of projects, but they serve different purposes and focus on distinct aspects of the project lifecycle. Here’s a breakdown of the key differences between project management and systems engineering:

  1. Focus and Scope:

    • Project Management: Project management focuses on the planning, organization, execution, and control of projects to achieve specific objectives within defined constraints, such as time, cost, quality, and scope. Project managers oversee the entire project lifecycle, from initiation to closure, ensuring that tasks are completed efficiently and deliverables are met.
    • Systems Engineering: Systems engineering focuses on the design, analysis, integration, and optimization of complex systems to meet stakeholder needs and objectives. Systems engineers consider the holistic view of the system, including its components, functions, interactions, and interfaces, to ensure that it operates effectively and efficiently throughout its lifecycle.
  2. Approach:

    • Project Management: Project management follows a structured approach, often guided by methodologies such as PMBOK (Project Management Body of Knowledge) or PRINCE2 (Projects in Controlled Environments). Project managers use tools and techniques to plan, schedule, monitor progress, manage risks, and communicate with stakeholders.
    • Systems Engineering: Systems engineering follows a systems thinking approach, which considers the entire system as a whole rather than focusing solely on individual components. Systems engineers apply principles, methods, and tools from various engineering disciplines to analyze requirements, design solutions, validate performance, and manage complexity.
  3. Timeframe:

    • Project Management: Project management typically focuses on managing projects within finite timeframes, from initiation to closure. Project managers are responsible for ensuring that tasks are completed on schedule and that project milestones are achieved according to the project plan.
    • Systems Engineering: Systems engineering considers the entire lifecycle of a system, from concept development to retirement. Systems engineers address long-term objectives, including system requirements, architecture, design, implementation, testing, operation, maintenance, and disposal.
  4. Skillset:

    • Project Management: Project managers require strong leadership, communication, organization, and stakeholder management skills. They must be adept at coordinating project teams, managing resources, resolving conflicts, and adapting to changing circumstances.
    • Systems Engineering: Systems engineers require deep technical expertise in various engineering disciplines, such as mechanical, electrical, software, and systems architecture. They must understand system requirements, analyze complex problems, design innovative solutions, and integrate diverse components into a cohesive system.

In summary, while project management and systems engineering are closely related and often overlap in practice, they serve different purposes and focus on different aspects of the project lifecycle. Project management focuses on the efficient execution of projects to achieve specific objectives within defined constraints, while systems engineering focuses on the design and optimization of complex systems to meet stakeholder needs and objectives throughout their lifecycle.

Many powerful organizations and operations utilize both systems engineering and project management practices to achieve their goals effectively. Here’s why:

  1. Holistic Approach: Systems engineering provides a holistic framework for understanding complex systems and addressing interdependencies between various components. By applying systems thinking principles, organizations can design, analyze, and optimize systems to meet their objectives efficiently.

  2. Integration of Processes: Systems engineering integrates various processes, such as requirements analysis, design, testing, and validation, into a coherent and systematic approach. This ensures that all aspects of a project or operation are considered and coordinated effectively.

  3. Risk Management: Systems engineering emphasizes risk management and mitigation strategies to identify potential challenges and uncertainties early in the project lifecycle. By integrating risk management practices with project management, organizations can proactively address issues and minimize disruptions.

  4. Optimization of Resources: Systems engineering helps organizations optimize resource allocation, time management, and budgeting by identifying opportunities for efficiency improvements and trade-off analysis. This aligns with the goals of project management, which aims to achieve project objectives within constraints.

  5. Alignment of Stakeholder Needs: Systems engineering considers the needs and expectations of stakeholders throughout the project lifecycle. Project management practices, such as stakeholder engagement and communication, ensure that stakeholder requirements are understood, managed, and met effectively.

  6. Adaptability and Flexibility: Both systems engineering and project management emphasize adaptability and flexibility in responding to changes and uncertainties. By employing iterative and incremental development approaches, organizations can adapt their plans and strategies based on feedback and evolving requirements.

  7. Continuous Improvement: Systems engineering and project management promote a culture of continuous improvement by emphasizing lessons learned, feedback loops, and performance measurement. By reflecting on past experiences and refining processes, organizations can enhance their capabilities and outcomes over time.

In summary, the integration of systems engineering and project management practices enables organizations to approach complex projects and operations in a systematic, coordinated, and adaptive manner. By leveraging the strengths of both disciplines, powerful operations can achieve their objectives efficiently while managing risks, optimizing resources, and meeting stakeholder needs.

Both systems engineering and project management play vital roles in large operations, and their importance often depends on the nature of the operation and its objectives. Here’s a comparison of their significance:

  1. Systems Engineering:

    • Vital for complex systems: Systems engineering is essential for designing, analyzing, and managing complex systems with multiple interconnected components, such as aerospace systems, transportation networks, and manufacturing processes.
    • Focus on system optimization: Systems engineering emphasizes understanding system requirements, identifying interdependencies, and optimizing system performance, reliability, and efficiency.
    • Long-term perspective: Systems engineering considers the entire lifecycle of a system, from conception to retirement, ensuring that it meets long-term objectives and evolves to adapt to changing needs and environments.
    • Emphasis on technical excellence: Systems engineering requires deep technical expertise in various engineering disciplines, including mechanical, electrical, software, and systems architecture.
  2. Project Management:

    • Essential for project execution: Project management is crucial for planning, organizing, executing, and controlling projects within time, budget, and scope constraints.
    • Focus on execution: Project management emphasizes delivering specific project outcomes or deliverables according to predefined requirements, schedules, and budgets.
    • Short-term perspective: Project management typically focuses on managing projects within finite timeframes, ensuring that tasks are completed on time and within budget to achieve project objectives.
    • Emphasis on leadership and communication: Project management requires strong leadership, communication, and organizational skills to coordinate project teams, manage stakeholders, and resolve conflicts effectively.

In large operations, both systems engineering and project management are often necessary for success. Systems engineering provides the overarching framework for understanding and optimizing complex systems, while project management ensures the efficient execution of projects within those systems. By integrating systems engineering principles with project management practices, organizations can achieve their objectives effectively while managing risks, resources, and stakeholder expectations. Ultimately, the synergy between systems engineering and project management is critical for the success of large operations.

Many of the largest and most powerful institutions use
SE and Systems Thinking

 Below are some official definitions of Systems Engineering:

According to the DoD, Systems Engineering

[I]s a methodical and disciplined approach for the specification, design, development, realization, technical management, operations, and retirement of a system. […] [A] system is an aggregation of system elements and enabling system elements to achieve a given purpose or provide a needed capability. The enabling system elements provide the means for delivering a capability into service, keeping it in service, or ending its service, and may include those processes or products necessary for developing, producing, testing, deploying, and sustaining the system.


SE applies critical thinking to the acquisition of a capability. It is a holistic, integrative discipline, whereby the contributions from across engineering disciplines (e.g., structural engineers, electrical engineers, mechanical designers, software engineers, safety engineers, human factors engineers, reliability engineers) are evaluated and balanced to produce a coherent capability – the system.

The Systems Engineer balances the conflicting design constraints of cost, schedule, and performance while maintaining an acceptable level of risk. SE solves systems acquisition problems using a multidisciplined approach. The Systems Engineer should possess the skills, instincts, and critical thinking ability to identify and focus efforts on the activities needed to enhance the overall system effectiveness, suitability, survivability, and sustainability.

SE activities, including design considerations, begin before a program is officially established and are applied throughout the acquisition life cycle. Any effective SE approach should support and be integrated with sound program management. Before the program begins, the PM, or Service lead if no PM has been assigned, should perform development planning to lay the technical foundation for successful acquisition.

Development planning encompasses the engineering analyses and technical planning activities that provide the foundation for informed investment decisions on which path a materiel development decision takes. Development planning addresses the current and evolving capability gap(s), desired operational attributes, and associated dependencies of the desired capability. In addition, development planning seeks to ensure a range of technically feasible solutions exist from across the entire solution space and that the program has considered near-term opportunities to provide a rapid interim response to the capability need. The PM initiates development planning in advance of the Materiel Development Decision review and transfers the knowledge (documents, tools and related data) to the designated program.


Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Research and Engineering. Systems Engineering Guidebook. 2022. Department of Defense.

According to NASA, Systems Engineering

[I]s defined as a methodical, multi-disciplinary approach for the design, realization, technical management, operations, and retirement of a system. A “system” is the combination of elements that function together to produce the capability required to meet a need. The elements include all hardware, software, equipment, facilities, personnel, processes, and procedures needed for this purpose; that is, all things required to produce system-level results. The results include system-level qualities, properties, characteristics, functions, behavior, and performance. The value added by the system as a whole, beyond that contributed independently by the parts, is primarily created by the relationship among the parts; that is, how they are interconnected. It is a way of looking at the “big picture” when making technical decisions. It is a way of achieving stakeholder functional, physical, and operational performance requirements in the intended use environment over the planned life of the system within cost, schedule, and other constraints. It is a methodology that supports the containment of the life cycle cost of a system. In other words, systems engineering is a logical way of thinking.

Systems engineering is the art and science of developing an operable system capable of meeting requirements within often opposed constraints. Systems engineering is a holistic, integrative discipline, wherein the contributions of structural engineers, electrical engineers, mechanism designers, power engineers, human factors engineers, and many more disciplines are evaluated and balanced, one against another, to produce a coherent whole that is not dominated by the perspective of a single discipline.

Systems engineering seeks a safe and balanced design in the face of opposing interests and multiple, sometimes conflicting constraints. The systems engineer should develop the skill for identifying and focusing efforts on assessments to optimize the overall design and not favor one system/subsystem at the expense of another while constantly validating that the goals of the operational system will be met. The art is in knowing when and where to probe. Personnel with these skills are usually tagged as “systems engineers.” They may have other titles—lead systems engineer, technical manager, chief engineer—but for this document, the term “systems engineer” is used.

The exact role and responsibility of the systems engineer may change from project to project depending on the size and complexity of the project and from phase to phase of the life cycle. For large projects, there may be one or more systems engineers. For small projects, the project manager may sometimes perform these practices. But whoever assumes those responsibilities, the systems engineering functions should be performed. The actual assignment of the roles and responsibilities of the named systems engineer may also therefore vary. The lead systems engineer ensures that the system technically fulfills the defined needs and requirements and that a proper systems engineering approach is being followed. The systems engineer oversees the project’s systems engineering activities as performed by the technical team and directs, communicates, monitors, and coordinates tasks. The systems engineer reviews and evaluates the technical aspects of the project to ensure that the systems/subsystems engineering processes are functioning properly and evolves the system from concept to product. The entire technical team is involved in the systems engineering process.

The systems engineer usually plays the key role in leading the development of the concept of operations (ConOps) and resulting system architecture, defining boundaries, defining and allocating requirements, evaluating design tradeoffs, balancing technical risk between systems, defining and assessing interfaces, and providing oversight of verification and validation activities, as well as many other tasks. The systems engineer typically leads the technical planning effort and has the prime responsibility in documenting many of the technical plans, requirements and specification documents, verification and validation documents, certification packages, and other technical documentation.

In summary, the systems engineer is skilled in the art and science of balancing organizational, cost, and technical interactions in complex systems. The systems engineer and supporting organization are vital to supporting program and Project Planning and Control (PP&C) with accurate and timely cost and schedule information for the technical activities. Systems engineering is about tradeoffs and compromises; it uses a broad crosscutting view of the system rather than a single discipline view. Systems engineering is about looking at the “big picture” and not only ensuring that they get the design right (meet requirements) but that they also get the right design (enable operational goals and meet stakeholder expectations).

Systems engineering plays a key role in the project organization. Managing a project consists of three main objectives: managing the technical aspects of the project, managing the project team, and managing the cost and schedule. […] [T]hese three functions are interrelated. Systems engineering is focused on the technical characteristics of decisions including technical, cost, and schedule and on providing these to the project manager. The Project Planning and Control (PP&C) function is responsible for identifying and controlling the cost and schedules of the project. The project manager has overall responsibility for managing the project team and ensuring that the project delivers a technically correct system within cost and schedule. Note that there are areas where the two cornerstones of project management, SE and PP&C, overlap. In these areas, SE provides the technical aspects or inputs whereas PP&C provides the programmatic, cost, and schedule inputs.


Dunbar, Brian. Fundamentals of Systems Engineering. 2019. National Aeronautics and Space Administration.

Human Systems Integration (HSI) is an interdisciplinary managerial and technical approach to developing and sustaining systems which focuses on the interfaces between humans and modern technical systems. The objective of HSI is to provide equal weight to human, hardware, and software elements of system design throughout systems engineering and lifecycle logistics management activities across the lifecycle of a system.” HSI uses the following domains of study: TrainingManpowerPersonnel, Human Factors EngineeringSafety and Occupational Health, Survivability and Habitability.


Wikipedia. 08/28/2023.

Applications or Methods of Systems Engineering

There are different methods of systems engineering that exist, such as Human Systems Integration or HSI, which is used by the US government and other international governments. HSI specifies that the capabilities, limitations, and needs of the people who interact with those systems will be integrated during the systems engineering process. This can help prevent any re-engineering from being needed as an after thought. The goal of HSI is to enhance the overall performance, safety, and effectiveness of systems by integrating human factors, ergonomics, and other relevant considerations into the design process. HSI also stipulates that certain domains of study will be applied during the engineering process, namely: Manpower, training, personnel, human factors engineering, occupational safety and health, survivability and habitability. These particular domains of study are valued by XSE, and therefore are maintained within XSE’s 7 domains of study.

Human Systems Integration (HSI) is both an application and a method within the broader field of systems engineering. It is a specific approach that focuses on integrating human considerations into the design, development, and operation of complex systems. HSI is not a standalone discipline but rather a set of principles and practices that are applied within the context of systems engineering.

Here’s a breakdown of how HSI functions as both an application and a method:

  1. Application:

    • As an application, HSI is applied to specific systems or projects to ensure that human factors, ergonomics, and other human-centric considerations are taken into account. It is implemented to enhance the overall performance, safety, and usability of systems by integrating human requirements from the early stages of design through the entire lifecycle.
  2. Method:

    • As a method, HSI provides a systematic and structured approach to incorporating human considerations into systems engineering processes. It involves methodologies, tools, and techniques for analyzing, designing, and optimizing systems to accommodate human capabilities and limitations. HSI methodologies guide practitioners in identifying, assessing, and addressing human factors throughout the system lifecycle.

In essence, HSI is a set of practices and principles that are applied as part of the broader systems engineering process. It recognizes the importance of human factors in the success of a system and provides a methodological framework to ensure that these factors are adequately addressed.

The integration of HSI into systems engineering helps create systems that are not only technically sound but also considerate of the needs, capabilities, and limitations of the individuals who interact with those systems. This holistic approach contributes to the development of systems that are more user-friendly, efficient, and safe.

Independent Integration Systems Engineering (XSE) is both an application and a method within the broader field of systems engineering. It is a specific approach that focuses on the integrity of the human by incorporating factors that would enhance the strength, intelligence, and freedom of the human into the design, development, and operation of complex systems. XSE is not a standalone discipline but rather a set of principles and practices that are applied within the context of systems engineering.

Here’s a breakdown of how XSE functions as both an application and a method:

  1. Application:

    • As an application, XSE is applied to specific systems or projects to ensure that human factors, ergonomics, and other human-centric considerations are taken into account. It is implemented to enhance the overall performance, safety, and usability of systems by integrating human requirements from the early stages of design through the entire lifecycle.
  2. Method:

    • As a method, XSE provides a systematic and structured approach to incorporating human considerations into systems engineering processes. It involves methodologies, tools, and techniques for analyzing, designing, and optimizing systems to accommodate human capabilities and limitations. XSE methodologies guide practitioners in identifying, assessing, and addressing human factors throughout the system lifecycle.

In essence, XSE is a set of practices and principles that are applied as part of the broader systems engineering process. It recognizes the importance of the integrity of the human in the success of a system and provides a methodological framework to ensure that these factors are adequately addressed.

The integration of XSE into systems engineering helps create systems that are not only technically sound but also (within their capacity) are designed to promote the integrity of the human, by maximizing the strength, intelligence and freedom (to whatever varying extent it is capable) of the individuals who interact with those systems. This holistic approach contributes to the development of systems that are more human-enhancing, advancing, and safe (in mind, body and spirit) from the individual to the global level.

Systems engineering is a multidisciplinary approach to designing, integrating, and managing complex systems. Various methods and methodologies are employed within the field of systems engineering, depending on the nature of the project, industry, and specific requirements. Here are some notable methods and frameworks used in systems engineering:

  1. V-Model:

    • The V-Model is a systems development life cycle model that illustrates the relationship between each development stage and its associated testing phase. It emphasizes the importance of testing at every stage to ensure that requirements are met.
  2. Waterfall Model:

    • The Waterfall Model is a linear and sequential approach to systems development. It consists of distinct phases, such as requirements, design, implementation, testing, deployment, and maintenance. Each phase must be completed before moving to the next.
  3. Agile Systems Engineering:

    • Agile methodologies, commonly used in software development, have been adapted for systems engineering. Agile emphasizes iterative development, collaboration, and flexibility to respond to changing requirements.
  4. Model-Based Systems Engineering (MBSE):

    • MBSE uses modeling techniques and tools to create visual representations of a system and its components. This method helps in analyzing and managing complex systems through graphical models.
  5. Integrated Product and Process Development (IPPD):

    • IPPD is an approach that integrates the development of a product with the development of the processes used to produce the product. It emphasizes collaboration and concurrent engineering.
  6. Rapid Prototyping:

    • Rapid prototyping involves quickly creating a model or prototype of a system to visualize and test concepts early in the development process. This approach supports iterative design and user feedback.
  7. Scrum:

    • Scrum is an Agile framework commonly used in software development but adaptable to systems engineering. It emphasizes collaboration, flexibility, and continuous improvement through short development cycles known as sprints.
  8. Incremental Systems Engineering:

    • Incremental systems engineering involves dividing a project into smaller increments or phases. Each increment represents a subset of the system’s functionality and is developed and tested independently.
  9. Spiral Model:

    • The Spiral Model is an iterative approach that combines elements of the waterfall model with prototyping. It emphasizes risk analysis and gradual refinement of the system through multiple cycles.
  10. System of Systems (SoS) Engineering:

    • SoS Engineering deals with the design and management of complex systems that are composed of multiple independent and autonomous systems. It focuses on the interactions and interoperability of these systems.
  11. LEAN Systems Engineering:

    • LEAN principles, derived from Lean manufacturing, have been applied to systems engineering to reduce waste, improve efficiency, and enhance value delivery throughout the development process.

These methods can be used individually or in combination, depending on the project’s characteristics and requirements. The choice of a specific method often depends on factors such as project size, complexity, industry standards, and the organizational context in which the systems engineering is being applied.

Since you are inevitably part of one of these systems
it is to your advantage to know of the practice of SE

Step outside of yourself as if you are a systems engineer, because you are the sustaining systems engineer of yourself as a system

even if you deny or refuse that role