What's in the "X"?
In addition to the integration of the two i’s of independent integration into one letter, the X has a history of it’s own that is fitting with XSE.
As mathematicians accurately have defined or declared x to “represent an unknown or missing value. X is used to create expressions and equations to solve for the value.” [1] Or as Wikipedia states “in mathematics, X is commonly used as the name for an independent variable or unknown value.” [2]
It’s value is unknown? It’s what is missing? For all of us? Yes, this is X. That mysterious something that we must critically think about and work towards achieving the right answer. Intelligence and logic lead us to make use of proven formulas. Consider basic self-evident truths, and seek truth in order to come to the correct answer of any given problem, whether mathematical or simply life-related. Notice how X is that which missing, which more than implies that X is needed in order to be whole. What could this necessary unknown entity be that is required in order to have the right answers and to make the equation whole?
Scientifically speaking x is the shape a chromosome at the core of every human cell’s nucleus. Whether you have xx, xy, xxx, or xxy chromosomal makeup, there is always an x chromosome involved. Inside this x shaped mystery is perfectly swirled string known as your DNA, which binds all of your individual genes producing the biological makeup that is unique from every other human in existence. The mysterious structure is a biological cornerstone that every human on the face of the earth has in common, and nothing, NOTHING that any person does can change this. So far, X makes a case that has already produced a scientifically proven argument capable of tearing down many divisive fences. These facts are not presented to remove or invalidate the other chromosomes coupled with x. That would be impossible, as no human could ever have only one chromosome and exist, but the x chromosome is the common image of humanity. We all know that shared silhouette of ourselves from a distance is revealing of some basic facts in addition to our shared profile of humanity, such as possibly our gender, fitness or physical capabilities, our confidence level, etc. But as the clues suggest, there is mystery and depth layered endlessly (literally and figuratively) on top of the uniting and famous x entity.
“On some identification documents, the letter X represents a non-binary gender, where F means female and M means male.”[3][4]
XSE looks beyond gender and acknowledges every person, no matter what, as a human with value. XSE validates that who we are and what we identify with is based on the integration (or disintegration) of the body, mind and spirit, and is often greatly impacted by the environment and life experiences. We embrace all of humanity as equal, whether confused or confident in their identity.
“The multiplication sign, also known as the times sign or the dimension sign, is the symbol X, used in mathematics to denote the multiplication operation and its resulting product. [5] While similar to a lowercase X (x), the form is properly a four-fold rotationally symmetric saltire.” [6]
Once again, XSE identifies with this symbol of X as well, as XSE acknowledges the natural operation of multiplication of everything that a human does in life. Inspire one person, who inspires 2 more, who inspires hundreds, leading to thousands. Hurt one person, who then goes and treats a child terribly, who then makes destructive choices. On the subject of the “times sign” note that Wikipedia states:
“‘Times sign’ redirects here. Not to be confused with sign of the times.” [7]
Is this point coincidental? XSE’s approach is not just open-minded, but that of a growth mindset. In other words, it is to be found out what lies ahead in this cyber age, but now is the time to strengthen ourselves and our country for that unknown X that lies ahead, not with fear, but brave ambition to succeed in the course set before us.
X has become a common and popular symbol for that which is undefinable. To us there is only one entity which remains truly undefinable, and this would fit in with the ages old use of x as the secret symbol of God, the only entity that is truly incomprehensible.
Just as many companies use the letter X as abbreviation for an extreme model of their product, XSE believes in living life to the maximum or extreme. Find a purpose that is worth giving your ultimate effort for …with passion!
XSE identifies with exploration and experimentation as a mentality of life in general. Life is a journey, and if you approach it with an open mind and a growth mindset you will learn a lot and have the courage to constantly re-evaluate your ways, seeking an ever higher place of advancement, leading to an incredible state of strength, knowledge and freedom of spirit.
OK. So as basic as it is, it may very well be the most common usage of x as a symbol. XSE most readily embraces love, a tough love that sharpens humanity in general. A love that looks beyond the superficial appearance, the income, the fame, a love that seeks to raise up the weak and downtrodden, a love that extends a hand to the outcast and forgotten, a hand bringing strength and hope, effecting a change in the world never seen before.
From your DNA to the exploration of the great unknown... there is X
Undefinable, the multiplier, mysterious, the missing and unknown value that makes the equation whole. -X-
- Schoener, Ashley. 2023. X Variable in Math | Meaning & Examples. Study.com. https://study.com/academy/lesson/x-variable-definition-lesson-quiz.html.
- Author Unknown. Date Unknown. X. Wikipedia.org. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/X.
- Holme, Ingrid (2008). “Hearing People’s Own Stories”. Science as Culture. 17 (3): 341–344. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Multiplication_sign.
- “New Zealand Passports – Information about Changing Sex / Gender Identity”. Archived from the original on 23 September 2014. Retrieved 6 October 2014. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Multiplication_sign.
- Weisstein, Eric W. “Multiplication”. mathworld.wolfram.com. Wikipedia.org. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Multiplication_sign.
- Stallings, L. (2000). “A Brief History of Algebraic Notation”. School Science and Mathematics. 100 (5): 230–235. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Multiplication_sign.
- Author Unknown. Date Unknown. Multiplication Sign. Wikipedia.org. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Multiplication_sign.